Puppy Classes

Puppy Classes

Puppies are rambunctious, playful, curious, and full of energy. While we love their exuberance and excitement about everything new in the world, it’s every new puppy owner’s responsibility to teach them good manners, basic commands, and proper behavior.
Without your guidance, your new puppy won’t learn how to behave in the world, interact with other dogs and people, or how to be a confident, well-adjusted adult dog. Without proper training, your new puppy could grow up with behavior problems and bad habits that can put them at risk.

Puppy Training and Socialization With Positive Reinforcement

At St. Francis Veterinary Medical Center, we host professional dog trainer Brett Shelby who will provide puppy training classes for both puppies and their owners. We use positive reinforcement training methods to teach your new pet basic commands like sit, stay, and recall, in addition to properly walking on a leash and supervising puppy socialization.
Additionally, we’ll teach you, a new puppy owner, the basics of commanding, training, and working with your pet at home, using highly recommended positive reinforcement methods.

What Is Positive Reinforcement Training?

Training with positive reinforcement uses treats, praise, and affection (often paired with a clicker) to reinforce and reward positive behaviors in your pet, rather than using discipline to punish negative or unwanted behaviors in your pet. This teaches pets that good behaviors get them both attention and positive outcomes.
Positive reinforcement training is not only a highly effective method of puppy training, but it also helps strengthen the bond between you and your new pet with each positive interaction and experience you have together.

Puppy Training in East Hanover, New Jersey

If you’ve recently adopted a new puppy, we strongly encourage you to register yourself and your young pet for our puppy training classes at St. Francis Veterinary Medical Center. We’ll work with you to start teaching your puppy manners and basic commands, in addition to providing you with tips, tricks, and advice on the most effective ways to continue training and working with your new pet at home.
To learn more about puppy classes at our veterinary clinic in East Hanover or to register your pet, we welcome you to contact our office today.